How do I drop/withdrawal from a course?
For the traditionally matriculated (enrolled) and concurrently enrolled students, the college add/drop period varies depending on the semester/course start date. View the PGCC Academic Calendar:
For the dual enrollment student, the date varies.
PGCC Withdrawal Policy: (
PGCC Refund Policy:
Dropping a Course in DualEnroll—Before the First Day of the Semester
You may drop a course in DualEnroll before the first day of the semester:
Dropping/Withdrawing from a Course—After the First Day of the Semester
After the first day of the semester, you may drop/withdraw from a course in Owl Link:
As a reminder, whether you are dropping (no grade) or withdrawing (grade of W) from a course and whether you get a refund depends on the date.
Consult your COAST Coordinator or PGCC Dual Enrollment Representative for assistance as it relates to Dual/Concurrent Enrollment students: