How do I clear the financial terms and conditions item in MaineStreet?

Response from UMA Enrollment:

Use your MaineStreet username and password to log in to the UMA portal at: Once on the Portal page use the MaineStreet icon located in the LaunchPad window and navigate to your MaineStreet Student Center page, where you can view your To-Do List. It's on the right side of your Student Center page. Select the Financial Terms and Conditions item in your To-Do List. Read the statement, select the accept box at the bottom of the statement, and then select the yellow "Save" button. Now go to the top of the page and use the yellow "Next" button. On the page that opens, select the yellow "Finish" button, then select the yellow "Exit" button at the top of the page. The item will be cleared from your MaineStreet account.

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