How long will UMA be closed due to coronavirus (COVID 19)?
UMA as a whole remains open to UMA students. For example, all classes have moved to an online format, and student services are available using "POETZ": phone, online, email, text, or Zoom.
Some physical spaces remain open where students must observe CDC guidelines of practicing social distancing as well as proper hygiene:
Augusta Campus: Temporary computer lab located in the solarium between Katz Library and the Klahr Center
Veterans Academic center - open to veteran students only
Bangor campus: Temporary computer labs located in Lewiston Hall rooms 118, 119, and 125
Centers: Access varies due to local conditions. Please check your center website for more information:
PLEASE NOTE: UMA campuses and centers will open for fall 2020 as scheduled on August 31. For more information visit the UMA
Safe Return Plan page: