Top Questions for Category "Campuses, Centers, Sites"
- I want to start my associate's in Nursing degree through EMCC. Where do I apply for that?
- Where is Camden Hall on UMA's Bangor campus?
- Can I drop off my library books at a UMA Center to be returned?
- What services are available at UMA Centers?
- Can I access an advisor at a UMA Center?
- Can I get a complete degree at the Rockland Center?
- Do UMA Rockland Center students get a discount when they use the Vinalhaven Ferry?
- If I live closer to a "Center", can I just stop by for an in-person meeting?
- Does the UMA Rockland Center offer free math training to help students prepare for UMA math placement testing?
- Where can I fill my water bottle on campus?
Category List
- About UMA
- Academic Advising
- Academic Coaching
- Academics
- Admissions
- Alumni
- Applied Science Program
- Architecture Program
- Art Program
- Athletics
- Aviation Program
- Billing/Payment
- Biology Program
- Bookstore
- Business Program
- Calendar
- Campuses, Centers, Sites
- Career Services
- Civic Engagement
- Clubs and Orgs
- Community Gardens
- Computer Information Systems Program
- Credit for Prior Learning
- Cybersecurity Program
- Data Science Program
- Degree Programs/Certificates
- Dental Assisting Program
- Dental Hygiene Program
- Dining/Moose Tracks Cafe
- Disability Accommodations
- Early College
- English Program
- Enrollment Services
- Facilities Maintenance
- Financial Aid
- Graduation/Commencement
- Holds
- Holocaust and Human Rights Center
- Honors Program
- Immunizations (General Policy)
- Information and Library Science Program
- Interdisciplinary Studies Program
- Justice Studies Program
- Liberal Studies Program
- Library Services
- Medical Lab Technician Program
- Mental Health and Human Services Program
- Music Program
- New Student Orientation
- New Ventures
- Nursing Program
- Online Learning
- Placement Testing
- Proctored Exams
- Public Administration Program
- Registrar
- Registration/Add/Drop/Withdrawal
- Safety/Security
- Senior College
- Social Science Program
- Student Housing Options
- Student Life
- Student Services
- Teacher Education Program
- Transcripts
- Tuition/Fees
- Tutoring
- UMA ID Card
- University Policies
- User Accounts and Technology
- Veteran Services
- Veterinary Technology Program
- Wish List
- Writing Center